Bonnar Cousin Visit!

JULY 21, 2019: First of all, let me say Happy Birthday to my Dear Uncle Roy who would be 90 today I believe. He was the best Uncle ever, and is father to my much loved Kasten cousins.
This weekend, I got to spend time with 3 of my Bonnar cousins... Joanne, Peg, and Cathy! They all lived in CA, while I lived in IL, so we didn't get to spend much time together. Once or twice, my sister Evelyn and I, and Cathy and Peg got to spend a week or so with our Grandfather up at Paw Paw Lake back when we were teenagers. LONG time ago! Now, Joanne lives in Olympia, where my daughter Jessica lives, so we do get together sometimes. Cousins are very precious. You share a common history and ancestors. Makes for a very fun visit! The painting I chose for this entry was bought by my cousin Peg for her art classroom. She had her students go to my website and as a group, pick out their favorite one. This was the one!