Change of Season
OCT 28 2020: The leaves are falling, so it must be Fall. It feels much cooler outside and we have begun to use the fireplace, so Autumn must have arrived. Since moving to Washington State 6 years ago from Wisconsin, I no longer feel dread when the season changes. The winters here are so mild! Being a la nina year, we are supposed to be cooler and wetter, meaning SNOW!! I am super excited about that. I really do love snow, but I do not miss the long months of snow we used to "deal with". Now I can just ENJOY! And the water at the beaches does not turn to ice for 6 or 7 months! So I am very happy to be here. I can finally stop mowing the lawn till about February, yet still enjoy it's green all winter except for the snowfalls I am hoping for. But they don't last long here so no worries.
I got the cutest Happy Halloween card in the mail from my great nieces. They said "Hello Aunt Laurie, Visit us soon once Covid is done." I certainly will! Almost going into our 9th month of Covid. I feel very grateful to be too old at this point to have to worry about losing a job, or my house, or my healthcare. My heart goes out to those that have those worries. They say that 2020 is a s*** show but I am concerned that 2021 could be worse. Time will tell. Take another dose of 'Hopium'.