Cherries, Berries, and Plums

JULY 26, 2021: The month started out with tons of juicy, ripe, red cherries. We were not the only ones enjoying them. The crows and robins had a feast, as did the raccoon family that lives in the nearby cedar tree. We had plenty to share with neighbors, friends, relatives, and strangers. I also brought cherries to my dermatologist and my dental office. These were followed by an abundance of raspberries and plums. Besides the fruit, friends gifted me with lettuce, peas, and zucchinis!
This was a great month for the beach! I cat sat by the beach, went on a day trip to Lake Crescent with my daughter, and had 4 days at the Waterstreet Hotel with a deck over the water with my other daughter and son-in-law. Yesterday, my husband took us to get a burger and a chocolate ice cream soda at Nifty Fifty's on their deck over the beach. I've also had the pleasure of Port Townsend Bayside dining with both daughters and my friend Vida. Life is so very good. So far, no smoke in the area, just fresh air. So Grateful!