Christmas 2022

DECEMBER 28, 2022: Jessica and Syd came up to the Beach house for Christmas. Shannon, Tyler, and Sappho came for Christmas Eve dinner here too. We had lots of fun visits at our favorite coffee shop, Better Living Through Coffee, and at Manressa Castle for drinks and tappas. My daughters are back home now, and I am enjoying my time at the Beach house where my good friend Becky used to live. She moved to Colorado to be nearer to family, but I miss her.
I am heating up the last leftovers from the dinners we bought at the Co-op for Christmas Eve dinner. None of like to cook very much, so we took the easy (smart) way out! We have had many days of King tides and there is lots of shoreline erosion. My friend who used to run Commander's Beach House told me today that there has been more erosion in the past 2 years than there had been in the 21 years before that. Rising Ocean levels due to climate change. Sad.
Well, I feel very fortunate to have had such wonderful Holiday times with my loved ones this year! My visit with my Aunt and her roommate Carol was great! My visit with Jody, Katoa who is all grown up now at 18, and Lisa, who is a graceful little Ballerina, was the best Thanksgiving visit ever! Then my daughters being here for Christmas, even though snow and ice caused us stress, was wonderful!
gotta go dinner is ready