Crazy Month!

SEPT 25, 2023: This has been one crazy month! I spent the first few days at daughter Jessica's and Syd's in Olympia WA. Unpacked and reorganized after my 5 month long trip to WI. Then to daughter Shannon's landing back home in Port Townsend. One day at the Wooden Boat Festival when I came down with Covid! So I stayed where I was at the Beach house in a separate bath and bedroom for 10 days. Always will be grateful to John and Lauren for that!! Then off to a cat sit job for 2 and a half weeks. My good friend Nancy died. She was 97. I met another cat that I will be taking care of soon for about a month. Then I scored a free 6 movie pass for the PT Film Festival!
Today I am watching the wind and rain outside the windows and feeling very cozy and grateful!. Happy Birthday to my brother Bill.