Good Bye Mary Ann

NOV 19, 2020: My dear friend Mary Ann passed away this week from Covid 19. She leaves behind her loving husband of 43 years, Bob. And lots of friends who love her too. I always stayed at her house when I would return to Wisconsin to visit. Our mutual dear friend Mary would come over too and we would always have a great time. She commissioned me do a watercolor of their cottage on the Waupaca Chain O'Lakes probably 10 or so years ago. (The picture here was my smaller test one, as the commissioned one is 20 inches long.) We became fast friends and I will miss her till I die too. She was a die hard Packer fan, was the first to sign up anytime I held a watercolor class, and loved the music of the Eagles. We would blast her stereo and play songs like Hotel California and Mason Proffit's 2 Hangmen Hangin' From A Tree. Always a good time with Mary Ann. I don't know what else to say. So that is all for now. My daughter sent me a link for a Leonard Cohen song called So Long, Marianne. It's on you tube. Check it out.