JUNE 18 2022: We are having a wet and cool month of June here in the Pacific North West so the locals call it Junuary. Some days the sun only comes out for a spell and on one rainy day we only got 45 minutes of no rain. So I am sure to get outside when those breaks happen. I am not complaining, just stating the facts. I much prefer this to sweltering heat or tornadoes. We have also had a few partially sunny days in the 60's. I got out in my kayak one sunny day and it was such a wonderful experience! My daughter came up and helped me get it on the water. I had a great 10 days pet sitting a cat with a beautiful view if the water and just steps from the beach. That rainy all day rain happened while cat sitting. I spent the 45 minutes of no rain walking the beach. It was fun, no sunscreen needed. There are a group of great Blue Herons who come to feed at the beach there during low tides. It was a wonderful place to be for 10 days. They are having me back again in August!
I have the house to myself for a few weeks and am making progress on packing for the move. Our house is going up for sale on August 31st, and we will be out by mid October. Consequence of a divorce.