New Years Eve 2021

DEC 31 2021: Another year over and a new one about to begin. I am looking forward to 2022. I once read that when you see 3 twos, it means that Angels are around you. I am calling this year the 'Year of Angels'. It will be a year of huge changes for me in my personal life, so it holds some comfort for me if I call it that. Keeps me on a positive note. I love Angels!
We got snow on Christmas this year, and then temps 30 degrees below normal for us, so we STILL have snow! Gotta love it! I went sledding twice and I just love how it makes it look like a winter wonderland. Also, I am glad that in this climate, it will not last for many months like it did in my former home of Wisconsin. The painting I chose for this entry is the only one I have on my website of snow. (Because I don't know how to load my recent paintings from the past decade.) This is the winter view from my sister's window overlooking Bull Valley in Illinois.
I am hoping to write a few Christmas and thank you cards today or at least by tomorrow, the first day of 2022. Never got around to it before Christmas. Gotta go now, as it is sunny and the mountains are spectacular from downtown. HAPPY NEW YEAR!