Summer at the Bay!

June 30, 2023: What a wonderful month! I have been staying at my sisters cabin on the bay of Green Bay in Wisconsin. My brother-in-law and my sister have been kind enough to open up their summer home to me during this time when I don’t have a house or an apartment yet. I go to bed with the sounds of the waves, hitting the rocks and spend my days, enjoying the water, what they call island time, and relaxing. I’m in touch with friends and I’m living such a good life! I am grateful all the time every day. We had the most excellent memorial day long weekend with my nieces, great nieces, sister, and brother-in-law. Good food, good times, good conversation, and lots of love. I have planted a garden and it’s doing great. I couldn’t be happier. I am surrounded by nature. I’m able to eat stinging nettle on a daily basis, which is a great spring tonic. I have harvested lemon balm for making tea. Feeling blessed.