Welcome 2020

JAN 4, 2020: It is winter here in the Pacific NW, and the grass is green, bulbs have sprouted, and some flowers are blooming. Pansies, primrose, and calendulas. We had to make some major sacrifices to move here: We put a LOT of distance between us and family and friends that we love. That is a hard one, and will always be. Summers in Wisconsin with a bed on the screen porch, lakes, boats, and swimming (and fireflies in June!) are no longer to be had. We have been here in Port Townsend WA for 5 years now, and every day is a gift. I see my 2 daughters often, and what a blessing that is! We are glad to be living here. Our home is rather small, but we can put an air mattress bed in the office for guests. Or if your budget allows, there are a number of hotel rooms with balconies over Port Townsend Bay in downtown. So... welcome 2020, welcome old friends for a visit, and welcome family to come for a visit.