Wildfire Smoke

SEPT 18 2020: First, a Happy Birthday to my old friend Sue. (Not that she is particularly old). We shared a love of horses, boating, swimming, etc. I hope the years have treated her kindly.
I have been INSIDE the house for an entire week because of the wildfire smoke. I have kept on my pajamas most days so as not to be tempted to go outside. I watched movies, made popcorn, and made lemonade out of the lemons. I am so grateful that we are not in any danger of having our house burn down. Others do not have it so good. Climate Change is upon us. Guy McPherson, a climate scientist, believes that we will be extinct by around 2026. He might be right. He says we are on planetary hospice. Time to value every day as a gift, tell your loved ones you love them, and tie up loose ends. As humans, we have always had a tendency to act as though we have all the time in the world, when we don't. Now, more than ever, I think it is time to give up that way of thinking and live every day as if it could be your last. After all, you could get hit by a bus! (just kidding!) Well, I have an energy session in a few minutes, so I better wrap this up. Keep safe, be happy, and be filled with gratitude!